In the event you're unaware, Atlanta recently experienced some snow and ice. Long story short, and politics aside, nobody did anything to prepare any of the roads for this mess. It did come down quickly. My professor said we still had class at 12:30 when campus was closing at 1. I normally give myself 45 minutes to get up to school and park, but I was playing it safe and left at 11:30 for class. It started like this:

An hour later, it had progressed into this:
My parents live significantly closer to my school than I do, so I decided to go to their house and ride it out. Normally it takes me maybe 30 minutes to get to their house, depending on traffic. Tuesday it took me 4 and a half hours. I looked like this:
Not my best day, I assure you. I got to my parents' house, where I was not prepared to stay. I didn't bring any clothes or D supplies with me. It is my parents' house, and I usually have a horde of stuff here, just in case. Buuuuut I used my spare insulin when I was staying here over Christmas. I have tons of pump supplies, a few syringes, a spare meter, but I had no insulin. And then my pump started beeping. Fantastic. I dug through a bag that had been in my old room since a week after Christmas, and I came up with an unopened bottle of insulin, still in its box, sitting in a bag I had brought over in the week following Christmas. Great? Okay. That room gets really, really cold when nobody is there to crank up the space heater. The bag was in the sun for about an hour every day. Having no other viable option, I used it. And I ran high for a long time. Then I started increasing my boluses by 20%. Success! Well, success until I overcompensated and dipped to 50 overnight. Oops. But I'm still alive and kicking.
So, next week when I show up for dinner, I'm bringing some insulin and test strips to restock my supply. Just as the city of Atlanta thought it was prepared, so did I. Fortunately I was only in my car for 4.5 hours, and I came out of it on the other side. Unlike the city of Atlanta, there is a good chance that I will learn from this experience and be better prepared in the event this ever happens again.
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